Hello all! Just a few pictures and updates now that aber's is a big 14 months old! He thinks he is hot stuff, going down the slide in the backyard all by himself from the top. Lucky for us, when we bought the house, we had a great play set that came with the deal. He is a very adventurous little bugger, sliding and running around in the "fort." David had to go to Lincoln, NE for a few days, and while he was on his way home, I got the flu. Nobody seems to remember when the last time I was sick like this, including Grandma. Thank goodness she was so willing to come and help out until DB got home. I am on the mend and we are starting to enjoy spring break...with a CRAZY spring storm that just blew in at least a few inches of snow with more coming.
WWHHHHEEEEE. Go Lions....World Cup baby!
Trying to climb the steps like big people!
Dinner time silliness