The time just keeps flying by with little Solomon Keji! He continues to be a sweet baby, with terrible napping habits but better bedtime routine!! We finally wisened up to the fact that maybe he is cold! Now, he gets a fleece sleeper, hot pack, and 2 blankets on for bedtime and he is sleeping, most nights, from 1930 until 0400 and then until 0630ish!! There are more baby sounds coming all the time, dadadada, mamamam, nanananan. No words, but not suprised by that. In the past few days, we've had to dig out of his mouth dog food, dry leaves, paper, mulch, etc...this kid eats EVERYTHING!! Solly is always quick with a toothy smile, a little flirt, or a bashful snuggle. Gotta love it!
With Nana and baby Noah who is 2.5 months younger
With Nana and baby Noah who is 2.5 months younger
Trapped under the table, between the exersaucer, and next to the chair. I found him like this after leaving the kitchen for just a minute to get something!
Whoops...little injury the other day. Forehead vs bunk bed while squished by mattress. Notice the bloody nose and bizarre line on forehead.
Height 29.5 inches 90%
Weight 20# 3 ounces 50%
Head 47.5 cm 95%
Teeth 8