Friday, August 21, 2009

7 months old!

Hard to believe that the man is already seven months old! Cheesy as it sounds, it gets better every day and there is even more love floating around. The big guy weighs in, on the home scale, at 19#4. Definetly getting to be a heavy guy to lug around. He is now 19 1/8 inches. Needless to say, Abraham is big. He eats tons of real food. If he could talk, I'm sure he would tell us that baby food is for the birds. He'll eat just about anything we let him, as long as it is the same thing as what the big people are eating.

Now, for the long awaited other accomplishments. I know, only a mama can be truly excited about most of this stuff. Oh well. He has 6 teeth, four on top, 2 on the bottom. There are 2 more that are super close to in on the bottom. His other big feat of the month was learning to crawl. He's been trying for weeks and finally figured it out for Grandpa's birthday present. Here's a little video of the "crawl" or more of a belly drag.

I'll try to post of video of his giggle. He loves, loves, loves to laugh and it is the great sound ever!! It makes an entire room of grown-ups laugh right there with him. Can't wait for Grandpa Al and Grandma Lynn to get out here! Abraham, as well as mom and dad, are looking forward to having more family around to be a part of raising Mr. Mandela.

'Til the next round...

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