Monday, September 21, 2009

8 months

Well, it seems that fall is setting in here in Colorado this morning. We woke to big winds, cold rain/hail, and no sun! Maybe we'll have a wet, snowy winter so we can get some snowshoeing in!! Abraham went out with me to inspect the work in the backyard that was done while I worked this weekend. He kept trying to eat the wind!

With mom measurements, he is 20lb 5oz and 30.5 inches today. He keeps getting bigger and bigger. We have to go out and get new clothes. He's in 18-24 month stuff and we don't have any of that except for his carhart overalls. Guess I can't keep him running around in his diaper/cover anymore with cooler weather setting in.

Handsome blue eyed men...
Hard day at Model UN in Denver with dad on Saturday. Mom worked.

As of now, he refuses all baby food. He loves spicy thai food, vegetarian meals better than meat options, cheese, yogurt and most fruits. Vegetables still aren't the best unless they are sauted and super soft. Meals always go better if he can feed himself but then we've got quite the mess!!

Here's a video of dinner last night:

Lots of changes going on in this neck of the woods. Grandpa Al gets out here soon to start work with a visit from Uncle Christopher for 24 hours to drop off the stuff for the apartment. Uncle Jake is moving out and up to Parker for work. We'll be down to 5 people and 1 dog when he leaves. Sad to see them go...Aber's loves Uncle Jake time. Then, Abraham and I head out to the cabin middle of October to visit Grandma Lynn since she is staying in Ohio until their house sells. Should be a good time! Nothing like travelling alone with a crazy, crawling man.
Way to go Uncle Jake...Getting the stink eye from a floating Abraham for leaving!

1 comment:

  1. cute pics..sure can't believe how big he is! owen is about the same size as him...guess we need to slow the food down with owen!! :-) if you are ever camping up this way, let us know! it would be so fun to meet! take care
