Friday, December 31, 2010


We had quite the Christmas this year. Abraham LOVED opening presents, playing with ornaments from the tree, looking at Christmas lights - exclaiming WWWHHHHOOOOAAA any time he would see them, and especially helping bake Christmas cookies. Unfortunately Grandma's camera has all the pictures of his "helpfulness" in the process. He really is quite the baker, able to now crack the eggs and open them with his thumbs to put then into the bowl. There are very few shells in the mix when he is done.

We ended up having a couple of different celebrations. We did our little family Christmas on the eve of as David had to fly to MN/WI for a funeral. He left Christmas morning. Abraham and I stayed with Grandma and Grandpa since nobody was home and delivery could have happened at any time...which of course didn't happen! On Christmas morning, Uncle Jake and his girlfriend Kandin came down to open presents and spend the day with us. It was really fun. Grandma, of course, had tons of food and fed us both days so that DB didn't miss out on Christmas goodies!

It is new years eve morning and we are planning on having some friends over during the lunch time to make pizzas and just hang out. There was a big storm that came through last night that dropped about 6 inches of snow. We all got out and shoveled, including me, hoping that would bring on baby. Nothing yet. We have been in and out labor for the last few days with contractions ranging from 4-10 minutes apart. Come on #2, we are all excited to meet you! Only 6 days left until our due date.

Watching Uncle Jake's puppy dogs in their cage while sitting on his new stool for helping in the kitchen. He loved herding the new puppy in and out of his cage.

Helping Kandin open her present.

90, going on 12. He was super excited about his new winter hat! Love the smile.

His own big guy table for the grandparents house!

Cheese face and having fun

Opening stockings with dad.

The bows were so much fun!

Helping decorate Grandpa with ribbons and open his presents.

Jumping, but not sure what about.

Our painting we got in New Orleans a year ago, finally framed!

Hope you all had a great holiday! Happy new year! Stayed tuned for news of #2.

the L-Bs.

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