Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our little man is 2!!

Loving on #2 before bed time.

Wow, where has the time gone? Seems like a couple of years ago, we were anxiously awaiting the arrival of #1. Now, he's a walking, talking big guy! He loves to watch the opening to Lion King with Nana in the mornings. Sleeps from 1900-0600 on a good day. Eats lots of breakfast, for lunch and dinner as well. Could play alla (outside) all day if we let him, as long as his head is covered. Has discovered trucks, playdoh, and playing in water. New words are coming every day. We have words for book, outside, nose, more, open, help, door, eye, the letter P, boots, nana, mama, dada, grandpa, tons of animal sounds. You can jump, getting both feet off the ground. You love to read books, visit the giraffes, hold your little brother, help mom, vacuum, and pretty much anything else we ask you to do. Now, the word NO is in your vocabulary, but we try not to use it. Some days you don't need a time out, other times you have quite a few. As the days go on, you push the boundaries more and more, but are the sweetest, most loving little guy.

Matching dad in carhartts and flannel shirts. Notice the awesome boots he got for his birthday! They are toy story light up boots!

Same awesome boots. You would wear them daily if you could, even if they are too big.

Playing with the new basketball hoop with his best buddy Jackson.

Enjoying Lion King with Nana.
Awesome birthday cake made by our good friend Jen!
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