Thursday, September 15, 2011

Family time end of summer into fall. Lots of pictures.

Trash day!! Sitting outside waiting for our favorite trashmen to come down the street. Notice the tea mugs, giraffe blanket and giraffe.

Trying to convince Solly to crawl. Didn't actually happen for almost 1 more month!

Happy birthday! Celebrating moms 30th in style.

Yummy mint chocolate ice cream cake. Happy birthday to my littler twink!

Solly sleeps best in nature, preferably when the bear isn't 3 feet away from us. We had a bear walk by our tent in the middle of the night, drink our gallon of water we left out, and then spend 10 minutes trying to get into our bear locker. We chose not to stay for the the second night of the trip. We need hard sided trailer!!!

Potty in nature picture, year 2. Camped outside of the San Isabel forest, CO.

Happy dad with his 2 guys. The little one is sleeping, which is exactly what the big one did the year before up in Leadville! Something about the canoe, clean air, and sun that knocks these guys out!

Making ice cream in the backyard with his best buddy Jackson. Great activity to attempt to wear 2 year olds out!

Congrats Uncle Ryan on becoming a fire fighter!! And thanks for taking us to the zoo, even if I did fall asleep twice. Abraham and dad didn't join us on this trip. They had boys weekend (more camping!!!)

Family time in Denver. Great way to spend Labor Day. We went swimming, rode the light rail at Abraham's request, rode the bus, had a date after the boys when to bed (thanks nana), and enjoyed our home state for a change!

Hanging out with their favorite nana. Sad to see our house mate go after 1.5 years. Come back soon, Nana!

Where to begin, oh my goodness. Little embarrassed that my last post was mid July. How did that happen? We have obviously made it home from camp. Since then, we went to New Mexico to visit with friends home on leave from Peace Corps, gone camping a couple of times, made a quick trip up to Denver for some family fun (Thanks priceline for a 4 star hotel at less than 1/2 the price!!), up to Oregon to watch Uncle Ryan graduate and become a firefighter for the city of Portland, as well as just have some fun at home.

Abraham is a TALKING machine these days. He chooses to use English as his primary language, but follow commands a million times better in French. Guess I better keep working on my French so he'll do what I need him too. He is so much happier and content now that he can tell us what he needs. We are all appreciative as well to have words instead of being grunted at all day long. Books are a huge favorite right now, along with "pay-pay." This is all the spare change he can find and then carry around to play with. He generally keeps it in a plastic egg from Easter or the trash can that goes with his Tonka trash truck. Wednesday mornings are still a huge hit around here as Marcus and Eddie come driving down the road to collect our trash and throw it into their candy apple red truck. Abraham takes his special nummies outside with his favorite giraffe blanket and his favorite mama to sit on the driveway and watch all the excitement! On really lucky days, Marcus even gives him a high five!! Pretty exciting stuff when you're 2!!

**Side notes to self: You eat everything after coming home from camp, including meat and veggies!! You still love milk and prefer chocolate...thanks Oma for introducing him to hersey's syrup. You have become a great sleeper. Bedtime is around 1900 and you get up anywhere from 0530-0700. When we aren't too busy, afternoon naps are right after lunch for 2-3 hours. Weight 29 pounds, height 35 inches. You are a kind spirited, outdoors, book loving, non TV watching, bike riding wild man!! Love love your brother still, but dislike sharing toys now that he can crawl and get what he wants whenever he wants.

Solomon baby is 8.5 months old. How is that possible? I look at him daily and wonder where the time has gone. He is still a very sweet baby, very talkative, personable, and loving. Not so much of the good sleeper like he once had been, but that's life. As of 9/7/11, he is a crawler!! We were hoping he would have gotten it in gear while hanging out the the tents of REI in Denver (AWESOME store, one of the flagships), but he couldn't quite do it. The next day he figured it would be better to do on the floor of Oma's garage in the quest for paper. He LOVES to chew on paper and eat kleenex. Abraham will ask us to hand him a kleenex, pretend to blow his nose and then hand it to baby. We call him a sneaky boy or a snake in the grass and he just cracks up, repeating this to himself. Solly, of course, loves the kleenex until we so rudely remove it from his hands and mouth. Within a matter of days, Solomon has become a speed demon, quite stealthlike. He even figured out how to go up steps. Now we just need to work on going down them, not head first.

**More side notes to self: Height 29 inches, weight 19.8 pounds, 8 teeth. You say mamamama, make motor boat sounds, say dadadada, screech REALLLY loudly when you aren't getting fed quickly enough. When I set you on the floor when you don't want to be, your feelings are easily hurt. You practically touch your forehead to the floor, put out your lower lip, and cry a very sad cry with tears until I return to rescue you from the misery 20 seconds later. You LOVE LOVE LOVE to swim, practically diving out of my arms at the hotel pool in Denver. Eat everything, most days. Prefer to feed yourself. Starting to cruise furniture when the mood strikes you, but mainly a lot of up and down to check out the toy box or beat on your toy train. Think that your older brother and puppy dog are the greatest things in the world. Always ready with a toothy grin! Really poor sleeper right now and worse napper unless someone is holding you.

David is busy with school and everything that goes with that. I am back to work, mainly in the pediatrics unit at our hospital 1-3 days a week. Thank goodness I get out of the house for 13 hours at a time. It really helps me appreciate being home with the boys so much more. I need that time to myself, even if it is taking care of somebody else's little one.

I vow to become a more regular blogger again. Keep waiting with baited breath for the Solly crawling video, coming soon, to a blog new you!!

peace out.

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