Monday, January 2, 2012

Solomon's 1st birthday!

We survived! Another kid. Another first year of life. Wow. The time seriously flew by. We celebrated tonight with some great friends and family. Nothing like some hamburgers, tater tots, cake and ice cream to have a good time! Solomon was really excited to become a mess and tear into his cake, until he had the chance. Then he didn't do anything. That is, until he got a fork! Neither boy has been a shove a handful of cake in your mouth on the first birthday kind of guy. C'est la vie!

The stats:
Weight: 22# 7 oz, up from 7# 14 oz (50%)
Length: 31 3/4 inches, up from 20 1/2 inches (95%)
Head: 49 cm (97%)
Teeth: 16...all but the 2 year molars
Words: Dis!! We know it means something that is across the room you find exciting. mamama, dadadada...neither of which are in reference to us.
Loves: Balls! You go to the play room, get a ball, hold it over your head, and then shout until one of us comes downstairs to play with you. Milk, animals...especially your puppy dog when she gets excited, bath time, going for walks, feeding yourself.
Dislikes: Sleeping well. I think once these teeth are totally in, you will sleep better!
Things you do: Starting to walk. Standing up unassisted from sitting in the middle of the floor. Flying up and down the steps. Helping unload the dishwasher and any drawer that is not child locked. Trying to play in toilet water, or Toiyabe water. Love your mama and dada and brother. Take a sippy cup, no more bottles or nursing. Ride backwards in your car seat contently, once we get you strapped in. Whenever you get excited, you go ' ooooh. oooohhh. aahhhh."

The birthday boy when he was 36 hours old!

Showing Bapa his presents.
Playing in the snow for the first time. After he got in his snowsuit and outside, he had a good time.
Eating cheerios from a chopstick with Uncle Herb. He LOVES, LOVES, LOVES him and will hang out on his lap whenever possible!

Eating his firetruck cake!

A little messy after about 20 minutes. Thank goodness for Oma's who swoop in to give a birthday bath!

Playing in his new indoor swing set and slide!

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